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StepSync Basic Information Guide


Welcome to the StepSync Basic Information Guide. StepSync allows anyone with an IMU Step account to pull IMU Step metrics from the cloud into any synced external system for analysis.  

This page has all the metrics guidance and basic information you’ll need for synchronizing your data platform with IMU Step metrics.

If you are a developer looking for the StepSync Reference Guide, follow this link.

What is StepSync?

StepSync is IMeasureU’s RESTful application programming interface (API) for the IMU Step product. An API is a software intermediary used to allow two applications to talk to each other. In this case, StepSync allows you to pull IMU Step data from your organization’s IMU Step database into your preferred data management platform. This could be an EMR system, AMS, or another piece of software. 

You will need to contact your data management platform provider or engage someone with software development skills to integrate the API. If you are using a 3rd party provider as your data management platform, you can contact them for assistance with integrating StepSync into your system. 

How do I get started with StepSync?

To begin pulling your IMU Step metrics into your data management platform, you’ll need to email us at or get in touch with your friendly IMU Step customer success representative. They will help you and/or your developer get set up with all the necessary credentials to get started. If you’d like to get a head-start on how the API works, you can find documentation here.

Why use StepSync?

We know having all your data in one place is incredibly advantageous for your data analytics strategy, providing insights you may not have found when your data was siloed in the systems they originally came from. StepSync enables you to bring your IMU Step metrics into your analytics ecosystem, putting you in the best position possible to make informed decisions with your athletes or patients. 

"The ability to export comprehensive data from clinical platforms tremendously improves capabilities of any organizational data strategy. Data insights provided by a particular dimension of rehabilitation/performance is traditionally siloed from other insights. The ability to blend these data sets allows the organization to accelerate your data analytics strategy." 

- Kevin Robel, Founder & President, Preventicx

If you want to see your IMU Step data alongside other information such as heart rate, PROMs, or GPS data (to name but a few), StepSync is the best way to pull and keep data synchronized in one central data management system. 

Security & Compliance

StepSync is a secure authenticated 3rd party API. This means you are required to have an active IMU Step subscription with product credentials to synchronize IMU Step data with your data platform via StepSync. While many APIs exist that are public and unauthenticated, your data is not accessible by anyone but you. If you are based in the EU, like IMU Step, StepSync is GDPR compliant.  

Contact your friendly IMU Step representative for more info on how to attain your StepSync credentials or if you have any questions on security & compliance. 

More getting started info

To see some examples of how StepSync can be used to benefit you and your organization, have a look at our 5 ways to use StepSync page for some ideas.

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